23 Apr Woman circle
Very special and precious four Easter days were celebrated in the intimacy of this woman group.
The women gatherings at Bodhi Bhavan are initiated by Ingeborg Maruti and Ira from Amsterdam. They have been given the torch to pass this wisdom by our common teacher Katiza Satya (www.puramrita.com). We were so thankful to host this beautiful group of women. Ingeborg had a change of plan and the circle ended up being led by Ira with the support of Sita. The circle fast became a real circle making it not so important who was leading but really about everybody opening up to their inner wisdom and sharing that in full Trust.
Delicious vegan food was this time made by Karo Tak who blessed us by stepping in the circle as well sharing her Jivamukti wisdom, her experience from being an animal activist, her enthusiasm and her self-made amazing vegan cheese. Her partner Miquel was supporting in kitchen in such a nice gentle way.
Our bodies got nourished not only with this delicious food but also from the gorgeous massages from Munay who also took time to share a special belly massage which she learned from an old wise woman of the tribes in Guatemala. Again, it was an extra pleasure to have the wisdom of Munay there with us.
Every morning at 7.30 we had meditation and soft yoga practice to start the day. Then we had breakfast after chanting lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu together holding hands around the food table. Setting this attention and gathering again is such a lovely ritual.
After some free time, we had again a gathering at 11.00 where we were inspired by the book “the 13
clan grandmothers “. This book is thick of wisdom and opened up to interesting sharing’s. Followed up by a gorgeous lunch and free time to walk, rest, take a dip in the watertank or get a massage the afternoon session again was filled with various soft movement techniques, chanting, getting/giving each other foot reflexology, brushing massage – in short everything that opens up the heart and brings us to connection. From this session we were often a little late for Dinner in our dwelling and enjoyment but the food non the less delicious. After dinner half an hour meditation/chanting to smooth us for a lovely sleep.
It was fantastic to see and feel how we grew together during just 4 days and supported each other on our all so different paths. One woman who was supposed to join the circle but got prevented few days before because of the death of a close family member, donated a big fique tree to be planted on Bodhi Bhavans ground. We made a ritual out of the putting the tree in the ground after having a touching sharing about losing loved ones. It is beautiful to feel the strong connection we have to our ancestors and loved ones that are no longer with us in this realm. Now this fique tree is standing beautifully loaded with all kinds of intentions.
Our last gathering Sunday was filled with warmth, thankfulness and some happy tears.We didn’t want to end the circle – feeling it is just the beginning of something big…
We are looking forward to the next woman circles now planned:
10 – 13 October, 2019
27 February – 2 March, 2020
For info or registration: